I will only be available to open the doors, I am not coordinating what they do (I trust they know what they are doing...).
I can mention that to them when I give them the keys but unsure what they plan to do and how long it will take. 
The sound is less of a problem in the common house and/or in Alva units/M units if somebody can offer a space for the teleconference at 11:30...



On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 1:27 PM Anthony Doesburg <adoesburg@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
Hi Maria, a special request: could we be first, because Anna has a teleconference at 11.30 (altho I don’t know how that’s going to fit in with their sound testing!)?

> On 27/04/2021, at 10:35, Anthony Doesburg <anthony@doesburg.net.nz> wrote:
> Sure seems like overkill …
> No, I haven’t heard anything about the ceiling repair.
> Cheers
>> On 27 Apr 2021, at 10:31, High St Cohousing <ucolbuild@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Anthony,
>> We were hoping that that was the case but unfortunately it is not.
>> We all need these devices installed... I hate to say it...
>> Has Tim got back to you regarding the ceiling in the lounge?
>> Maria
>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:24 AM Anthony Doesburg <anthony@doesburg.net.nz> wrote:
>> Hi Maria,
>> Based on a phone conversatiion I overheard after the latest testing, I think our unit passed, and therefore I’m presuming we don’t need any further holes in the ceiling (although we’re still looking forward to getting the living room one fixed!).
>> Can you confirm that, or is it just wishful thinking?
>> Thanks,
>> Anthony
>>>> On 27 Apr 2021, at 10:12, High St Cohousing <ucolbuild@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Aotea will be nstalling sounders in all bedrooms (HIGH ST BLOCK) tomorrow Wednesday 28 from 8am
>>> Following last week's alarm test results, Aotea concluded that the levels of sound in bedrooms are not acceptable (!!!).
>>> In order for the council to accept the system, Aotea needs to install new sounders in all bedrooms (High block).
>>> The work will be done tomorrow Wednesday 28 from 8am.
>>> I will give them access to all units.
>>> Please ensure that your bedroom is open and ready for them to do the work.
>>> And don't forget to cover your ears if you are on site as they will be doing some more testing...
>>> Hoping this solves the last hurdle... enabling us to get code of compliance and settlement...
>>> What a journey!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Maria
>>> --
>>> Maria Callau
>>> TOIORA High Street Cohousing 
>>> UCOL Member and Project Coordinator
>>> 0211847490
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Ucol-shareholders mailing list
>>> Ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz
>>> https://list.king.net.nz/listinfo/ucol-shareholders
>> --
>> Maria Callau
>> TOIORA High Street Cohousing 
>> UCOL Member and Project Coordinator
>> 0211847490


Maria Callau

TOIORA High Street Cohousing  
UCOL Member and Project Coordinator