On Wednesday 11 September Anne, Ian and Claire met with Pene and David Morris from Roxburgh who were interested in the process of acquiring land and developing our Cohousing neighbourhood. 
Pene is looking for ways in which the community in Roxburgh might develop the former Roxburgh Children's Health Camp for community living of various forms. The site has been land banked for Ngai Tahu. Longer term, she is very interested in buying a unit in HighSt Cohousing.
We talked about the way in which our project got started. She is keen to know who our contacts were in Ngai Tahu, who she might talk to there. We also explained that the impetus for High St Cohousing came from the public meeting and seminar that Robyn Allison ran. Is this something that some of us might do in other locations in the future?
Pene asked if she could come to a meeting, to get a feel for how our group works and to understand more about Cohousing. I would like to invite her to our next meeting.