Hi All,

Just further to the discussion about cladding colour below is our best digital approximation of how the two different colours will look on the High Street building. Pueblo top and Scoria at the bottom.

If people are interested in this decision it would be good to visit the site today or tomorrow and see the two colour samples as seeing photos and renderings is never quite the same seeing colours in reality. We have left the two colour samples leaning against the back door of H3 which is the unit behind the arch. Please note the Pueblo sample is a little shiner then it would be in reality.

Also if you want get an idea of Scoria at a larger scale it matches very closely the red container currently located in the centre of the common space. See below a few more images for reference.

For what it's worth my preference is for the Scoria colour as I am concerned that the Pueblo colour will look quite orange.

We will need to make a final decision about this soon as the painters are keen to progress the High Street facade.


Pueblo High.JPG
Scoria High.JPG

2020-06-05 12.01.41.jpg
2020-06-05 12.03.11.jpg