---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Juan Puricelli <juan@sur-architecture.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Apologies & Votes/opinion re Roofing & Unit numbers
To: High Street Cohousing <ucoldunedin@gmail.com>
Cc: Sandy Ross <sfross@xtra.co.nz>, Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com>, Maria Callau <maria@sur-architecture.com>

Hi all ( CC Anne & Sandy ) ,

My apologies for tonight & also Maria will be late - say 8'sh .

Our view so far on the 2 main topics: 
1- Unit Numbering ; A bit in line with Sander's / Anne's views and emails , we think by Block (Montpelier M1-M3, High (H1-H16) is ideal ; Alva ( A1-A6) and the rest as necessary;
2- Roofing ; In line with Rainer's suggestions ( not yet with new window) of all roofing to be 0.4 BMT - this is acceptable quality for Homes & yes for Re Roffing Common Building but only the part that is needed keeping a close look at our expenses and save as much as possible if we can and it is logical to do so. 


Juan Puricelli
ph. +64 (03) 4701205 / cel. +64 (022) 6585021

Level 6,ASB House,
248 Cumberland St,
Dunedin Central [9058]