Ups sorry , Gay offered before and I didn’t see email in the trail .
All good Gay, go for it .
See you all around and about !! 
Warm regards 

Juan Puricelli 
Sur Architecture
022 6585021 

On 22/05/2021, at 7:15 PM, Juan Puricelli <> wrote:

Hi Anna,
If no one has taken your place , I’m sure I could do it . 

Juan Puricelli 
Sur Architecture
022 6585021 

On 22/05/2021, at 11:16 AM, iane <> wrote:

There will be an opportunity at 4 pm Sunday in the Common House mussic/Arts room
Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: Anna Maxwell <>
Date: 22/05/21 10:37 am (GMT+12:00)
To: UCOL shareholders <>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] Note-taker swap request

Is anyone able to swap note taking duties with me next Thursday? We booked tickets for the Solidarity Myanmar concert at the town hall, completely forgetting it was meeting night. 

Happy to do two lots of meeting notes for the price of one as an incentive!

From last meeting just an additional note that Sara’s washing machine is a front loader. 


Begin forwarded message:

On Friday, 14 May 2021, 9:59:43 am NZST, Anna Maxwell <> wrote:

Good morning everyone
Draft notes from last night’s meeting attached.


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