It looks like there will be a number from 9 to 13 of us eating at NumberWorks’nWords at 6pm: Sander and Karen, Sara, Anne, Frances and Sandy, Alex, Gay, Ngaire, Jan, Catherine and Jeffrey(?) and Sue T (?)

It is BYO food.  I’ll make sure we have plates and cutlery for 13 at NumberWorks’nWords.  There’s already cups, tea, milk, sugar and instant coffee. 

Those who want takeaways, rather than bringing something they’ve made, have three options:

(1)    You can pick up your own takeaways before you arrive

(2)    If you want Chinese, you can contact Sander and Karen because they’ll be getting Chinese in Mornington and they are happy to get your order at the same time.

(3)    If you want Indian or Turkish, Gay and I will be coming through South Dunedin and we will happily pick up Turkish from Adana (Menu at  or Indian from Indian Spice (Menu at 

If you want Gay or me to pick up your takeaways, you need to let me know by Thurs midday at the latest. I presume Sander and Karen will have a similar deadline.

If you haven't already RVSPed and you are likely to turn up, please let me know so I can increase my cutlery/crockery transportation accordingly.

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s holiday news
