Please send me additional agenda items and apologies.

Change of venue: Number Works n Words 90 Crawford Street.

Last meeting we received a report from Rosemary about the heritage fence and associated works.  She recommended setting up an Incorporated Society (or we could set up a trust), to advance the work, and with some independence from UCOL may have some more success in raising funds.  The sticking point for this is likely a small core group of (3?) people who will be officers of the new entity.  As well as the administration to establish the entitiy, they would arrange the work required in conjunction with S&W and other contractors we have been talking to, and do fundarising.

The over all cost of work will likely exceed $10,000 of unbugeted funds.  And there will be extra administration costs on top if we get our consultants to do work that we would otherwise do as voluntary.  These funds will either be an extra charge on shareholders, or at least reduce the amount we have to put towards a kitchen.

The sticking point as I see it is getting volunteers to run the venture. Please think about (and email) if you are willing to do this.  It is possible to do it with or without such an arrangement, so it is a tradeoff between volunteer time and cost.


See people tonight at 7.30.