Attached & below:

UCOL Agenda:   Thurs 11th June 7.30pm                    via Zoom

Chair:  Catherine                              Notetaker:  Warren


Apologies:  Denis Chan & Adeline, Susan Jack, 



Photo Opportunity:  Zoom screen shot for the record

Meet in Zoom or in person?:  (from next meeting)

Colour choice Alva & High St:  Tim / Maria

Body Corp rules:  Min

Update heritage Fence Group:  Catherine

Unit numbering: 

Name of project:  Toiora/High St Cohousing or Toiora or Toiora Cohousing ?

Update to do list:  Sara re paying for appliances / other matters – e.g. email from Wren’s re Interior painting options.

Mail and courier deliveries:  (Gay / Tim)

Flooring & benchtops: 

Report from meeting with Antony Hamel:  plus open discussion for those wishing to stay on after meeting closes?

DCC unitDCC is still interested (?) but we are unsure if it is for social housing.

Electricity Options:  Selection of supplier (defer until closer to completion).

Report on Dennis & Adelyn’s situation:  (Min)

Brown Shed:  (already referred to in PCG report).

Open Forum: 


Zoom link:


ID: 9016 25 9016      password: 25 25 25 


See and/or hear you then!