It was suggested at the meeting last night we all make our feelings known.

People know we have moved away from simon milne. Michael got on ok with him but michael just signs things. I do the work and felt I didn’t ‘bond’ with simon too much. Though after 40 years with David polson simon had a hard act to follow. And we did have problems with some things simon did and his lack of speed.

We are divided, michael would prefer to stick with helen. I’m not worried either way but would prefer to not use simon if we stay with mcmillan and co.

People have been wondering if helen has the support to handle the work we might generate. I question the support she had at mcmillan and co, and this could continue as am assuming helen’s support will still be working at mcmillan and co.

I joined others in doing a lot of proofing of ucol documents a year or two ago and was shocked at how poorly they were done. This was probably down to the PA but does reflect on helen as it should have been checked and proofed in house not sent out with spelling and grammatical errors and typos and very poor layout. I could do only so much proofing as far as content went but it is easy to imagine there could have been omissions or ordering problems.

Regds roz