Last night a number of people (Miriam, Rainer, Sue, Marianne, Donald, Juan, Warren) joined the directors to talk further about the body corp rules.

We established that everyone was wanting to produce a set of body corp rules that would satisfy the desire of banks to see rules which are "standard in all respects".The difficulty is to know what that looks like.

One option is to stick with the operational rules set out in the Unit Titles Regulations (; another is to continue with the rules we have been working on, removing a few more clauses identified as problematic.

We are sending these options to our lawyer for advice - he is back from holiday on Monday and we will ask to meet with him as soon as possible next week.

If option 1 is the way to go, most of the content of our current rules will move to the Toiora High Street Cohousing Membership Agreement. [This is not the body corp rules - we are allowed to mention cohousing!] Warren will produce a further draft agreement for us to go through on 30 January.

We know that people need to be able to show the Body Corp rules to mortgage lenders, etc. We are working hard to finalise these, but I hope you can all understand that producing simplified rules is far from simple - while we have been asked for 'standard' rules, these don't really exist. As soon as we have received advice from our lawyer, we will use it to finalise the body corp rules.

A huge shout-out to Min, who has been working through this maze for so much longer than the rest of us. After a week of paying close attention to it, I am tearing my hair out. Thank you for your willingness to keep on with this work, Min, and to help us reach the outcome we all need.

I believe there is going to be a working bee tomorrow - details will be forthcoming, I'm sure. No, not the bricks, but some pieces of wood that need moving to allow access for some machinery. Watch this space!
