Kia ora koutou


Please see the revised Agenda for tonight’s meeting. See you all soon.






UCOL Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday 26 September 2019 

Location: Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room – 563 Castle Street

Chair: Alex King                                                                 Note taker: Karen Or  

Present: Alex, Karen & Sander,

(Catherine, Frances, Sandy, Warren, Min, Tim, Pauline, Jess and James, Anne T, Sara, Anne and Geoff K, Sue T, Susan, Juan and Maria, Gay, Rosemarie and Maurice, Claire, Rainer, Donald and Miriam)

Apologies: Dennis, Marianne, Jan, Roz & Michael (maybe), Liz,


Minutes of record:

1.      A Body Corp workshop was held at the Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room at 3pm Sunday 22 September 2019 ……(details to be added).


Agenda Items:

1.      PCG Update (see meeting notes attached)

2.      BCG Update (see documents attached)

3.      Legal Liaison Group Update 

4.   Health and Safety: Sander was informed by the Centre for Sustainability that there was nearly a fire on Monday 23 September, when a chair was found touching one of the wall heaters in the seminar room. The Centre has now taken the precaution of placing notices warning about not placing items in front of the heaters, and want to make our group aware of this. 

5.      Update on drainage installation issue on neighbour’s section

6.      Local Internet Network (Alex, Warren)

7    Body Corp Rules Workshop

(1) Report back

(2) Labour weekend

8.   Which Mayoral and Councillor candidates support Cohousing/UCOL? (Min)

9.      Open Forum