Hi everyone
Being a “last minute decider” myself I can still make it either sat or sun.
My preference would be the more informal setting at Anne’s but I will attend either way.

On Fri, 24 May 2019 at 11:16 AM, Catherine Spencer via Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz> wrote:
Hi all,

I think we changed to Sunday because the Centre for Sust. room was not available. Do we want to want to change it back to Saturday and have it at Anne’s given the desire for a more informal meeting? Or is it too late now for a diary change?

On 23/05/2019, at 11:38 PM, Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I see that the bodycorp/social meeting is to be on Sunday 26 May - I will not be able to attend, and won't be at home. I had thought that we were looking at Saturday afternoon 25th rather than Sunday. Maybe next time we have a weekend event  you can come to our place - Sundays will now be more possible for me.

I emailed Ravinder last Friday about the extra legal costs on top of the purchase price for the remaining units, and suggested that he Skype in on 8 June. There has been no response from him as yet, but I will follow up on that, also explaining again that he would need to pay 20% deposit  plus $5000 for shares immediately to secure the unit.

I will also order 2 extra copies of the "Happy Ever Aftering" book

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