On 1/12/2020, at 1:28 PM, Sander Zwanenburg <sander.zwanenburg@otago.ac.nz> wrote:

Kia ora koutou katoa,
This Thursday we’ll meet at 7:30pm in NumberWorks and on zoom.
So far we have on the agenda:
  • Working bee reports (Saturday and Tuesday)
  • A2 sale (with a written report to come; Min Catherine Donald Sander)
  • Timeline update / review
    • E.g. kitchen, mailbox, resource consent action
  • Cohousing agreement (Warren)
If you have reports, agenda items, or apologies, please send them to me and Donald before Thursday noon.
A reminder: working bee tonight at 6pm to shift things out of the common house. Tim/Rainer to be there and organise access.