For discussion tonight.

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Subject: Alternate data cabling
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 16:21:00 +1200
From: <>
To: <>

Hello Alex

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute. The situation
summary is:-

- A Chorus option for Fibre has been signed
- An option also to provide a shared Internet Access is
- One delivery option may be alongside Chorus fibre
- Another delivery option to be explored is WiFi

Since meeting onsite the other week I have been doing some
more research. I am waiting to hear from my contacts in
Chorus to clarify sharing of the 20mm duct which is running
in through the concrete slab. In talking with colleagues,
and having visited some other new build sites, I believe
the build for High Street runs as follows:-

Ducting will run 3m out from the buildings. This presents
to the hand holds Richard of Aotea was referring to.
There is most likely an External Termination Point affixed
to the wall. There will be one ETP per dwelling. This is a
plastic box, about 10cm X 20cm and 3cm deep. Fibre for each
dwelling is drawn from a central point, probably the garage
or thereabouts feeds the ground ducting, through the
handhold, the ETP and into the dwelling.
When I hear back from the right person in Chorus I will be
able to confirm this design to you, along with confirmation
whether the slab duct can be used out to the ETP.
Depending on what you want to do however, this pathway may
be of limited value as the ETP will probably be positioned
quite low.
The group has signed with Chorus for UFB (UltraFast
Broadband) service to be provided, and Earthlight can
provide UFB service directly to dwellings that require it.

Exploring a shared offering for dwellings with lower
bandwidth requirements - a lead-in from outside needs to be
determined. An example is the 'alongside Chorus' pathway
above. As construction is underway, now is the time for any
additional lead-ins to be provided.

We do not recommend a WiFi solution comprising just outside
aerial(s) which then attempt to 'beam' into dwellings for
service. Due to the level of build WiFi signal may not
reach indoors. We have been exploring a shared service
based around 60GHz WiFi technology. This comprises three
pieces; a central WiFi node, visible from all dwellings
seeking service, an outdoor dwelling WiFi pickup from the
central WiFi, and an indoor router/wifi.
When we met onsite Tim Ross indicated that a duct for a
network cable could be provided for in the ceiling of the
dwellings. Naturally there is some cost to this, but this
will be offset by carrying it out during construction.
A suitable box outside (similar to ETP from Chorus) will
encase a network cable which can be built upon later if the
dwelling signs up to access a shared service.

I have worked out a pricing estimate of $40.00 per month
including GST for each dwelling for access to a shared
service based around a 60GHz WiFi implementation.
We would need at least 5 dwellings to take up the offering.
At that level of uptake a one-off establishment fee of $100
+ GST per dwelling would be needed. If 10 or more dwellings
signed up on day one then the one-off fee would not be
charged to these users. Dwellings joining afterwards will
be charged an establishment fee.

I have set out a summary of what Earthlight can provide.
This will come through as a PDF from If the general outline is of appeal
then we will proceed with developing further detail such as
mounting options, getting a WiFi node you can see and so
on. Naturally if the group has any questions I am happy to
field them.

Regards, Wayne

Wayne Rodgers
Manager 0-27-433 3283

We are now operating from our new location at Invermay
Data Centre.

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