I am available on Sunday 14th.


On 31/03/19 11:03 PM, High Street Cohousing wrote:
Some folk from Wellington who are interested in meeting up with some of us on Sunday 14 April. Please let me know (reply all) if you would be interested in meeting with them. I will not be able to.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: High Street Cohousing Project <wordpress@highstreetcohousing.nz>
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2019
Subject: Keen to meet with you
To: ucoldunedin@gmail.com

Site http://highstreetcohousing.nz
Name Lew Skinner
Email lewskinner@yahoo.com
Subject Keen to meet with you
Message We are part of the Wellington \"urban habitat Collective\" and are visiting Dunedin on Sunday 14 Aopril and wonder if we could meet with you to learn about how you are progressing. We have just put an offer in on land and are hopeful of progress regards LewSkinner & jiff stewart

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Date/Time: March 31, 2019 8:41 am
Sent from (referer): http://highstreetcohousing.nz/contact/
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