Hi all

The site remedial work is now complete. They were able to do the remedial work by just compacting engineering fill without the need for mass concrete (no formwork either!) with approval of the geotech engineer! This means that all of the ground under the Alva block is now ‘good' ground. Today they started the excavation (in this remediated ground) for the end retailing wall and footing as per our original drawings! 

The High Street block is progressing well. The remaining concrete slab at the Alva Street end will be poured on Monday. 

In about a month time (early July) S&W will start cladding the west end of the High Street block. The building will be clad in stages, when ever possible, to protect the SIP’s from the weather. S&W is pricing cladding options that Tim has proposed. Once we get the prices back we as a group will need to make a decision on the choice of cladding. This may well be coming Thursday.

So much for today.

regards Rainer

I check my emails once a day. Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700