Kia ora

It may seem like a little early to be asking for agenda items for Thurs 2 May, but I thought it would give me a chance to remind people that there's no meeting this week  - and a chance to suggest that since there are 5 Thursdays in May, we could still have fortnightly meetings, with the people who are rostered for Chair/Notetaker duties still having two meetings to cover (despite the fact that Juan and I have encroached into the first week of May.  

Something to think about before the next meeting ...

Draft Agenda for UCOL Meeting Thursday 2 May 2019.

 7.30pm at Centre for Sustainability, seminar room, 563 Castle Street.

Chair: Juan                Notes: Jan


Round of appreciations

PCG report/updates 


 BCG report/updates


Update on Lawyers Rainer/Donald/Susan/Alex


Anne's home induction workshop report back Jan

Ann Zabaldo visit Jan

Maori name inquiry: Susan

Mid-level flooring update: Tim

To Do List:
- Unit numbering system: Tim

-  Investigation of aerial/satellite dish options:  Pauline

To Do Policy - inspired by a week with Ann Zabaldo I

Open Forum: