Kia ora kinsfolk
Attached is my first attempt at the notes from tonight.  Please send me corrections.  Apologies to any Zoomers that I missed out - afterwards I realised I never looked to see who was present.

Most important is that you know there's a working bee this Saturday.

Saturday 11 July:  Working Bee at Taiora High Street Cohousing.  9am start time for early birds, 10am start time for the rest of us.  Wear strong footwear suitable for muddy conditions.  Also useful would be a car with a trailer, sack barrow,  trolley, and/or your own thermos and mug.  This might be repeated next weekend if we don't get enough done.
For the diary:
Friday 24 July 12.30pm Open Day arranged with S&W
Sunday 26 July 2-5pm Body Corp Rules Workshop
Sunday 26 July 6pm Pot Luck Dinner