Hello all,

Here are a few teaser items to get your discussion ball rolling.  Some are items we missed discussing at the last workshop.  Some are items with lots of comments. Writing in responses to previous comments are expected and welcome. We will be scribbling comments on these sheets, as we did before.

We'll be printing out a full list on Sunday so everyone gets to get familiar and discuss as many of the item topics as possible

See you on Sunday!



On 19/09/19 7:57 PM, Jan Burch wrote:
Kia ora koutou
Our next workshop for the Body Corp rules was scheduled for this Sunday.  The previous format, with a cuppa/cake to start followed by discussion in small-ish groups will be repeated this month. Afterwards, the results from this Sunday's and the Saturday in August will be collated and promulgated to the whole group so everyone is "in the loop" even if they haven't been able to make these extra workshops.

I will arrive just before 3pm with green milk, tea, a jug for hot water and  a packet of chocolate biscuits.  I know from previous workshops that other people will turn up with coffee makers and much more interesting and delicious afternoon tea options.  At the moment, my only concern is how we will get in! Hopefully we'll have that figured out before 3pm ;-)

On 27 October (next scheduled one) we envision moving to whole group - but we are hopeful that by then we'll be rubber-stamping adjustments that have already been pretty much ironed out in the two smaller group sessions that we will have had.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday 3pm.

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