Hi Cohousers,

Here is the Toiora High Street Cohousing Agreement in its current form. We have read and discussed and edited every part – except for ‘Dispute Resolution and Mediation’ on page 7, where we are waiting for professional input.


Please consider whether the Agreement is now ‘good enough’ to be able fulfil its role as a guide to living together for the next few months or so.  There will inevitably be numerous issues that are unforeseen as the community starts its life in close proximity in a fresh and exciting built environment.  Those issues can be addressed as they arise and if necessary be added to, or amended in, the Agreement.


Please send comments on punctuation, grammar, and consistency to me and I will edit as required.


Comments on outstanding issues or misgivings should be saved for the next regular meeting. [Please put aside 15 mins to discuss at next meeting]


