
Attached copy of UCOL agenda and also here below.

See you tonight.

E noho ra.


UCOL 03 June, 2021, to be held at 7.30pm in Toiora Common Room.

Chair: Donald
Notetaker: Frances
Apologies: Gay, Maria, Juan, Rosemary, Maurice, Min Present:

  1. Appreciations:

  2. Follow up from last meeting:

    1. Signage - Sara

    2. Buddy system - Conciliation team (Donald)

  3. ODT article - see Maria’s email

  4. Electricity Monitoring Research - University of Otago proposal - see Maria’s email

  5. Post settlement - where to next with UCOL meeting? (Donald)

  6. Upcoming working bees (Donald)

  7. Open Forum

Next meeting