Thanks for your support and encouragement Jessica. I am happy to be an anonymous person behind Toiora High Street Cohousing in for example neighbourhood Facebook groups: foragers, locavores, recycling, sustainability matters and the like, but I do not want my name on anything public at this stage, for personal reasons (separate message, one day soonish).

Nor, unfortunately,  have the emotional or psychological energy to do the mainstream media liaison. I am barely managing two or three hours of moving in most days; I was very sad to miss our first ever onsite neighborhood BBQ during the weekend: I was asleep for 2 hours on a shaggy rug on the hard floor, I was so exhausted and in pain. This is life with fibromyalgia and I just get on with it as best I can but I've learnt through various failures such as trying to help with the heritage fence group and the sign group that I simply don't have the capacity to do that.
On Wed, 9 Jun 2021, 12:08 Jessica Shields, <> wrote:
I was talking to Claire and suggesting she would be great at this, maybe check in with her? She seemed keen!


On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 at 11:58 AM, Alex King via Ucol-shareholders <> wrote:

We have a few different publicity requests, I think we should have someone to co-ordinate them.  I suggest Gay?  Anthony? Any other suggestions?  I would like to respond to Stephen Edge and don't want to co-ordinate myself because I'm supposed to be working.


On 9/06/21 11:41 am, Maria Callau wrote:
Hi all, 

The ODT reporter has been in touch again. 
Now that most fences are up, can I organize for her to come on Friday and talk with some of us?
Or shall we say Monday?

Who is keen:
Jess and somebody else?



Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited

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