Invitation to Wine and Cheese and Chat on Saturday 6 March

At Te Wao Nui, Atrium of Otago Business School, 99 Union Place
(aka Union Street East but Google Maps doesn’t like this address)

6pm: Gather, and share some wine and cheese

6.30: Robin Allison from Earthsong will chat informally about what they might have done differently and what we could learn from their experience

7.00: questions, and an opportunity for those who must leave to do so.

• wine and cheese contributions will be welcomed but no-one needs feel obliged
• Robin’s partner, Amanda, will probably contribute to discussions and will have copies of Robin’s book Cohousing for Life for sale.
• designated parking in Union St is free outside of business hours
• please enter via Union Place, sign in or scan the Covid Poster and remain on the ground floor


On 4/03/2021, at 7:46 PM, Jeffrey Robinson via Ucol-shareholders <> wrote:

Te Wao Nui, Atrium of Otago Business School, 99 Union Place, 6 pm, Sat 6th March. 

wine and cheese
Ucol-shareholders mailing list

Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012