Saturday’s Landscape Meeting

Frances, Gay, Miriam, Ngaire, Min, Anna, Kristin, Donald, Pip, Sara

A loose plan following Saturday’s discussions has been placed on the whiteboard in the common room.  Maria’s original form is on the back.  If anyone would enjoy drawing a smarter version, please feel free.

We walked the site together and talked about placement, agreeing that there is plenty of land and the plan is a work in progress.

Some are thinking that access to lawn for children ought to be easy and that due care be taken about what people look out on.

Placement of picnic tables, seating areas, nooks, barbeques, trampoline etc. to be decided

Peace Garden discussed.

Playground discussed.

General agreement that current area marked as vegetable garden does not get full winter sun, however, it can be planted with this in mind and need not contain only vegetables.

Public entrance areas on Montpellier and Alva seen as important statement areas.

Next steps:

Agree to the spirit of the plan.

Suggest Working Bee next weekend for spreading topsoil and constructing compost bins.

Peace garden…small group to form

Playground…small group to form….Maria and Liz may have ideas to contribute.

Next Meeting…Budget to be discussed.

Donald and Miriam