Thanks Gay

I really appreciate knowing this.

It has influenced my decision on whether to have curtains as well as blinds!


On Fri, 6 Aug 2021 at 3:34 PM, Gay Buckingham <> wrote:
A member of the public has approached one of our householders, asking if they would bring to residents’ attention the fact that people  going past the High Street units can see a great deal of the interior.

I understand the person who made the approach travels by bus and wanted us to understand that, even if the blinds/drapes are part pulled, anyone passing, but bus patrons in particular, get a very intimate view of people and their activities – and that we should make all our family members and visitors aware of this.

The complainant (if that is the correct term!) wanted the matter brought to one of our Thursday meetings. I don’t believe this is an agenda item nor do I think it requires discussion, so I am bringing it to your attention in this email instead. 

I was not the person approached but have undertaken to alert you all on behalf of the person who was approached. 

Enjoy the weekend!

Best, Gay

Gay Buckingham
+64 27 4544012

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