Will comment on the what should we have aspect only.

For two or three years I had alerts set up to suss out chances of our getting second hand kitchen things and/or commercial things.

Yes there were things available on trademe, very little from the retailers who advertise.

Half way decent kitchen cupboards and benches come up regularly but are keenly sought after. and the problem for us would be getting something that fitted.

Second hand commercial came up less often. Generally just single benches and wouldn’t recommend driving to Christchurch for one bench.

Have been told a lot of second hand commercial is pretty manky and best avoided.

Adapting things like power and water to suit second hand only to replace with new in a couple of years would need to be carefully costed. Regds roz


From: Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders-bounces@list.king.net.nz> On Behalf Of Jeffrey Robinson via Ucol-shareholders
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 5:42 pm
To: UCOL Shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] options for moving ahead with the common-house kitchen


Hi everyone

The new oven and range hood have arrived (and are already paid for) and it has been suggested that we install them as soon as possible or we install the whole kitchen as soon as possible. The kitchen group has looked at a range of options and puts forward two options here; we recommend option b.

option a) find money and install full all-new kitchen now (~$35,000).

option b) find money and install full kitchen with some second-hand items now (~$20,000-$30,000?). Items such as the second commercial oven, steel benches for the vege preparation, the fridge and freezer might be second hand or new, depending on the funding available and other considerations.

We will need extra money to achieve option a, and most likely even to achieve option b (says Alex).

The most straight forward way is to raise the extra money between ourselves. Could the Toiora community members please let us know whether they are able to make gifts or loans to get the kitchen finished, and how much you want to contribute. We need concrete pledges now to enable us to move forward on the kitchen.  Our ability to achieve option A or to get closer to a fully equipped new kitchen will depend on the amounts contributed. If you are able to provide a figure, that would be most helpful. If you are able to provide a loan, or you wish to give a gift confidentially, please let Francis or Gay know.

This will be briefly presented to the meeting on Thursday 24th.

Options for loan repayment will be developed and presented at the next meeting.

