Thanks Anne & Catherine, 
I personally think it is good how everything sounds. 


Juan Puricelli
ph. +64 (03) 4701205 / cel. +64 (022) 6585021

Level 6,ASB House,
248 Cumberland St,
Dunedin Central [9058]

On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 at 12:21, High Street Cohousing <> wrote:
Please send through any comments, suggestions, concerns.....

Dear Rob,

At our UCOL meeting on Thursday 6 June we discussed the request to erect an eHaus sign at the High Street Cohousing site.

The wording of the sign generated considerable discussion -
"eHaus is proud to be building the first Passihaus Cohousing project in NZ".

You (Stevenson & Williams) are our builders, not eHaus.

According to our understanding, something like "eHaus are proud to involved in developing the first Passivhaus  Cohsouing project in NZ" would be more accurate.

We would like to know whether Stevenson & Williams agrees with the suggested wording.

We are also aware that the sign we had erected has been blown down and damaged in the recent wind, and we would not be happy to see an eHaus sign replacing it. Perhaps eHaus would be willing to reinstate our sign and then could put an eHaus sign alongside it.

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