REPORT FROM Extra PCG meeting by Zoom: 7.7.20

(to be circulated before Thurs meeting - copy also attached)


Present: Stefan, Rainer, Catherine, Tim, Frances


1.      Brown Shed

We have not asked S & W to remove this nor allowed for the levelling of the area around and beneath it (although on all the drawings the level of this area is shown as the same as all of the surrounds).

The shed has damage at the back so not as attractive to Hall Brothers to on sell but there may be one of the workers who would be interested in dismantling it and removing it for personal use.  Putting it on Trade me was considered but time is of the essence and transportation off site would not only be costly for anyone but involve someone not approved by S & W coming on site for which we may not get permission.


Decision: We will offer the shed to the workers and it is not taken up, demolition is likely.

Tim to issue CAN for ground levelling. This could be paired with ‘milk box’ tidy up and both could be included on the same CAN.




2.      Pallets and wood

Rainer has concerns about the state of the pallets supporting the bricks and pavers. If they are to be moved they would need to be wrapped. We also do not know where to store them on site. The veggie garden area is an obvious choice but it must be kept clear for a trench along the boundary, not yet in place.


There is a working bee planned for this Saturday, 11 July, to empty the shed but we are not sure yet where to put the contents as there is no area in the CH that is absolutely finished.



We will ask Calvin to indicate an area on site for storage of pellets and wood.


We will ask about the best place to store the shed’s contents in the CH. (This would need to be done before this weekend if the working bee is to go ahead).