From: sara ferreira <>
Sent: 20 January 2021 20:48
To: marianne quinn <>; Maria Callau <>
Cc: Gay Buckingham <>; Min <>; Frances Ross <>; Rosemarie Smith <>; Anna Maxwell <>; Liz Mitchell <>; Miriam Frances <>; Donald Shand <>; Ngaire Tigeir <>; Jeffrey Robinson <>; <>; warren Hurley <>
Subject: Re: Urgent Decision Required re Soil for Veg Garden
Hi everyone,

based on the information that we got from Marianne and Maria just now, I'm happy for paddock soil to be delivered on-site as scheduled, and will at the same time support the organization of a permaculture workshop once we move in.
Kind regards,


On Thursday, 21 January 2021, 9:45:37 am NZDT, Maria Callau <> wrote:

HI all, 

I am personally happy with soil from a padlock. 
I think it makes sense to bring this soil now and I totally support the idea of a permaculture workshop before we start spreading the soil.

If we go ahead, the soil will be delivered in one location (a heap of soil) against the greenbelt retaining wall. 
We will have to spread it ourselves and can be guided on where and how to do this, add things to it if needed, etc. 

I would support the idea of doing this now. 

Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 9:19 AM <> wrote:

Hi team: regardless of when we get it, we need soil and this soil sounds like a great starting place. We can add to it etc as required, as permaculture or any other form of gardening would recommend.


Right now, the site works are leaving space to allow a truck to deliver this very large quantity of soil before finalizing the paths etc. ie the site works are on pause in this corner awaiting our decision. If we wait, we will need to move this vast quantity of soil a bucket at a time from the car park - I would recommend we get it now and not hold up completion.


This is in the contract: I don’t think its helpful to change this now ( as this sort of thing negatively affects our time line).


Forward ho, lets’ get gardening!!!






Marianne Quinn


Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin

P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054

ph +6434773115 or 0211612050




From: Gay Buckingham <>
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 9:09 AM
To: Maria Callau <>; marianne quinn <>; Min <>; sara ferreira <>; Frances Ross <>; Rosemarie Smith <>; Anna Maxwell <>; Liz Mitchell <>; Miriam Frances <>; Donald Shand <>; Ngaire Tigeir <>; Jeffrey Robinson <>;; warren Hurley <>
Subject: Urgent Decision Required re Soil for Veg Garden


I've been contacted because PCG are about to get a load of topsoil for the vegetable garden delivered (160m3 as a variation,) as they say it makes sense to deliver before the paths are formed.


There has been discussion about the source and quality of the soil, and whether it might contain contaminants, heavy metals or pesticides and and its suitability for growing vegetables. The most we know is that 'Soil is coming ex a site in Milburn, was cut from a paddock, so is pretty much virgin soil from a paddock that grows good grass’. 


If anyone wants to halt the delivery until we can source soil of a known and acceptable quality then they should say so now.


Personally I would prefer to wait for a different reason: I am hoping that once we are in residence the group might consider having an in-house, permaculture workshop, confined to Toiora members only and led by Jason Ross of Habitate . The idea would for him to help design our productive space and guide us in instituting permaculture principles – and that may include assessing source, quality and placement of acquired soil, keeping in mind potential positioning of raised beds,'no dig' preparation, etc. I have run the idea past a few members and they like the idea too, and in fact I intend attending his open workshop on 13 and 14 February to get me started.


I look forward to feedback asap.



Gay Buckingham

+64 27 4544012



PS to those who have put their name forward for Garden Settling In Garden Task Group: did you know we have a Toiora Gardening WhatsApp group?