Kia ora cohousers

Reminder that we have a meeting on Thurs 9 July at 7.30pm at the Centre for Sustainability staffroom (and via Zoom). Sander will chair and I will be notetaker.

I think the following are the items that will roll over from the last meeting. Please send me anything I have forgotten and I'll send out a Draft Agenda on Wednesday.



Apologies:  Denis Chan & Adeline, Susan Jack, . . .

Present:  . . .

Appreciations:  . . .



Working bee?

Body Corp Workshop 26 July

Pot Luck dinner 26 July


Update to do list:  Donald

Link to view UCOL ToDo list      The password is -  susta1nab1e  

Flooring & benchtops

Interior painting:  (Rainer) 

Curtain rails:  (Rainer)

Open Forum: