Further to Anne’s email (and Marianne’s original comments about loneliness), I’m reading Johan Hari’s “Lost Connections — uncovering the real causes of depression and the unexpected solutions."

He’s a well-established science writer who brings together an enormous amount of research to argue there are fundamental problems with the way we live in western culture that are making people sick, sad and anxious.

Some of the studies of the health implications of aloneness are very imaginative, like a sleep study with American Hutterites (like Amish but do use some technology). They live in colonies, like big extended families, and have the most amazing deep sleep patterns, entirely without the ‘micro awakenings’ that have been identified as a measure of loneliness.   

I’m attaching the page for those who like reading things. 



On 14/03/2019, at 10:02 PM, Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com> wrote:

...... Marianne telling us about the talk on loneliness, and when I got home I have a link on FB to this article
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