Hi all


I’ll chair and Maria will take notes.


Tonight I’ll use the emails received to draft an agenda and circulate it with a call for amendments, additions, and apologies.





From: Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders-bounces@list.king.net.nz> On Behalf Of Gay Buckingham
Sent: Tuesday, 9 July 2019 4:35 PM
To: Alex King <alex@king.net.nz>
Cc: ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz
Subject: Re: [Ucol-shareholders] Arrangements for vote on Thursday.


Alex, all Directors, Rainer and Dennis thank you for  the work you have been putting into this.

I see Maria and Sander are listed as chair and note-taker for 11 and 25 July - should we be addressing agenda items to one of them, and if so, who? 


Gay Buckingham

027 4544012

On 9/07/2019, at 4:13 PM, Alex King via Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz> wrote:

Given that a number of questions have come up about the voting procedures, I thought it would be prudent to propose a some procedural motions to clarify.

Could these be put on the agenda?  They (or an amended version) can be agreed by our normal card process.  If you are not attending on Thursday and want to have a say on these, you can email your thoughts to ucoldunedin@gmail.com.

Item 1

"Where votes are held under the UCOL agreement clause 16.3:

  • Shareholders shall be entitled to split their votes, with some votes voting for and some against the motion, as long as the total of votes cast by the shareholder does not exceed the number of votes allocated to the shareholder.
  • For joint shareholders, any of the named shareholders present at the meeting in person or by proxy or where the chairperson has received a valid postal vote, may exercise the voting right of their shareholding.  In the case where more than one shareholder exercises a vote for the same joint shareholding, only the vote of the first named shareholder will be accepted as valid and counted.
  • For the quorum clause in 16.3.6(a), where a shareholding is joint, only one of the joint shareholders is counted as entitled to vote."


Item 2

"For the shareholder vote to be held on 9 July 2019 regarding legal representation, we agree to hold a secret ballot.  We appoint xxx to count the vote and certify the result."

Item 3

"We agree that valid notice was given for the shareholder vote to be held on 9 July 2019 regarding legal representation."

Item 4

On the night, I or the directors will also make a statement that the shareholdings and loan amounts have not changed since this spreadsheet was prepared and hence are valid as of the date of meeting.

Item 5 (as previously notified, as a vote under the UCOL Agreement 16.3)

"That we choose to engage Helen as our lawyer"


I think there is a good chance these (1-4) will be uncontroversial and therefore quick to deal with. It is best to clarify them so there is no question of the validity of the vote.  (Item 5 has been discussed already :) 

If anyone has serious reservations about anything in item 1 or item 3, please let me or one of the directors know well before the meeting so we have time to clarify the voting arrangements.

I have attached the voting spreadsheet with the updated "First named shareholder" for joint shareholdings.



<Cohousing votes 20180709.ods>

<Cohousing votes 20180709.pdf>

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