Hi Roz and All,

The plan is to discuss everything ‘above the line’ at our next regular meeting.

As far as I am aware, the areas highlighted in yellow are up for discussion as they have been edited since the initial read through some weeks ago.


In response to your items, this is how I see the current group intention:

1.       Yes, a consensus seems to be developing that while attending Group meetings is obligatory (so that no one misses out on important discussion/decisions), members are free to choose the tasks that suit them, and the community, best when volunteering their time.

2.       We were reminded that Claire also intended to have a pet at Toiora, but doesn’t have one now because of her circumstances. After the wishes of Sue & Claire have been fulfilled I expect this text one of the first parts to be edited in the Agreement.

3.       I’m not sure of the group feeling on this; I’m sure discussion will lead to the most appropriate text.


I’m looking forward to resolving these and any other issues at the next meeting.









From: Ucol-shareholders [mailto:ucol-shareholders-bounces@list.king.net.nz] On Behalf Of Roz Wilson
Sent: Saturday, 6 February 2021 5:13 p.m.
To: 'UCOL shareholders' <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] cohousing agreement


Thought I had sent this to warren but not heard back. One or two things above the green line we were concerned about. maybe other people have agreed to this, of which we are unaware, but just to confirm:

1.Resident members are to attend Group meetings and koha time to one or more of the following:

So the above means residents must attend meetings but the obligation to help prepare meals, be in work groups and go to working bees had been changed so all residents need to do is go to group meetings and put in time to one of the others? (meals or groups or working bees)

2. pets. (again, ad nauseum, I know) We welcome current (intended and actual) pets in our neighbourhood.

This was worded like this to allow sue to have her kitten when it is available. But someone else can simply say they ‘intended’ to have a pet and that is fine.

3. Remaining spaces are for resident and visitor short-term parking (< 48 hours).  All parking within the gates has a maximum of 48 hours. We think the intention was Remaining spaces are for residents; or for visitor parking of less than 48 hours

Thanks roz and michael