Hi all: if you already have a path to your front door, no need to read further!


If you don’t and you’d like to know how to make one, Jess is happy to share her research and expertise, having done the quantity survey for her path and built it herself ( with the assistance of Sandy on the shovel!)


Jess is available at 7.30pm this coming Tues night ( 8th June) to share inspiration and tips.


Venue to be decided: if it’s a small group, we could meet in somoene’s unit, or we could light the Common House fire and have a cuppa ( or a mulled wine for those so inclined).


Please confirm if you’re interested ( for catering/ venue determination purposes to Jess or myself.


I love how we’re all learning new skills and how many talents we have in this group!






Marianne Quinn


Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin

P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054

ph +6434773115 or 0211612050