Evening all,


Attached is the UCOL meeting notes for 10 October 2019.

Appreciate any comments.


Kind Regards,


Date: Thursday 10 October, 2019  

Location: Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room – 563 Castle Street 

Chair: Catherine Spencer                                                         Note taker: Tim Ross  

Alex, Catherine, Frances, James, Min, Tim, Pauline, Anne T, Sara, Sue T, Maria, Gay, Rosemarie, Maurice, Claire, Rainer, Marianne, Roz, Michael, Liz


Dennis, Jan, Miriam, Donald, Sandy, Jess

Thanks to Min for preparing the council voting spreadsheet. 

Thanks to Warren for putting together the wifi info.

Minutes of record:

• We agree to investigate our legal obligations regarding easements and the the current stormwater drain design with our lawyers. 15 Green and 3 Blue.

• We ask the UCOL heritage group apply to the DCC heritage fund on our behalf, by the end of the month, for finances to refurbish a section of the heritage fence. All green.

• A small group of UCOLers will meet with Anna and Anthony to review body Corp rules on Sunday the 27th at 10:30am at Min’s place (61 Isador Road) to be followed by a pot luck and then excursion (weather permitting). Min will send out invite. 20 green 1 blue.

Discussion Items: 

1. PCG Update
S&W have sent through some pricing about additional costs for intumescent paint to the steel decks. This will be discussed further at the PCG meeting.

2. BCG Update
Building Control Group meet this week. Accountant provided a new cash flow from the project. Claim 13 was received from S&W which was mainly carpentry for the High St block. Maria reported that the pull down ladders were around $300 incl. GST for each ladder. Maria will approve this and then the unit owners will need to deposit the additional payments into an account to be determined.

3. Legal Liaison Group Update
Nothing to report

4. Health and Safety
Two meetings ago a chair was left close to a heater in the space at the centre for sustainability where we have our meetings which could have caused a fire. Following this incident, as a group, we need to be mindful and pay attention when leave the space each meeting.

5. Update on drainage installation issue on neighbour’s section.
Discussion about Megan’s phone call to Tim. Megan has been taking to one of the council building inspectors about options for resolving her issue with the storm water pipe on her land. The council inspector suggested that it might be possible to move the pipe from the centre of her site into the diagonal easement which crosses the corner of her site and have the pipe discharge into the curb and channel. Tim has forwarded the details of the conversation through to the directors for instruction. Marianne expressed concern about the impact of discharging this amount of water onto the street. Alex suggested that the group write to Megan to suggest that we split the cost 50/50 including investigations. Gay expressed a view that we are not responsible to pay anything. Rainer suggested that we talk to our lawyers to confirm our legal obligations. Marianne suggested that as we are going to live next to Megan 50/50 would be reasonable. Rosemarie stated very firmly that no one had told Rosemarie and Megan that their easements would be required for running services and that the whole process had been very upsetting for both Megan and Rosemarie. Rosemarie suggested that she would even consider contributing some of the cost for moving the drain so Megan would not be forced to build so close to her boundary. Further discussion followed. A decision was made to seek further guidance regarding our responsibilities from our lawyers.

Tim agreed to talk to Foleys tomorrow about the feasibility of discharging stormwater to the curb on Montpellier St.

6. DCC Heritage fence
Some time ago the group applied to the heritage fund for funding to restore the wrought iron fence on the edge for the high street site. The DCC Heritage Fund came back and said that while they weren’t prepared to fund the entire project at this point, they suggested that they may be prepared to fund a section of the fence (~5m) in order to establish a realistic cost for total project. We have a quote for the entire fence from Zeal Steel. Rosemarie has been in conversation with Markus Wainwright who suggested that Frank Scurr would be worth talking to. Further discussion about the feasibility of sanding back and refinishing the fence followed. Complications due to the likely presence of lead based paint.

7. Local Area Network
(Alex, Warren). Warren distributed a document this week on this topic. We will wait until the next meeting to discuss this as Warren was not at the meeting.

8. Body Corp Rules Workshop.
Min sent out a draft copy of the body corp rules this week.

A small group of UCOLers will meet with Anna and Anthony to review body Corp rules on Sunday the 27th at 10:30am at Min’s place (61 Isador Road) to be followed by a pot luck and then excursion (weather permitting). Min will send out invite.

9. Open Forum.
• Rosemarie brought some gardening books for the group.
• Sue T is interested in having a library in the Common House.
• Sue T also interested in having an art sharing co-op. 

Meeting closed at 9:30pm