Today I mowed the weed patch by the memorial gates. I had done a bit of digital control in recent days but there is no way anyone could ever keep up with the number of seed heads that are being generated there. We don't want any of those seeds to transfer into our lawn as there are far too many weeds there already (a separate topic - lawn care budget). So I cleaned the lawn mower extra carefully afterwards. 

What is the plan for this patch, which I know from going over the surveyor's drawings with my solicitor last week is communal land? If we do want lawn there, it's a pity that it was not sown along with the main lawn, as we now can't sow and will have to wait. It will need to be covered with cardboard or newspapers or bark chips in the meantime - (not weed mat, which is bad for the soil!!! If you want scientific articles on this I can provide them). 
It's a small enough place that we could instead use dichondra or one of the other no-mow ground covers. 
Or if it is to be a mowable space, then plants need to be placed sensibly for the mower.

And what is the planting concept? Rhododendrons alongside flax is a weird combination. It looks like a compromise - someone wanted black, the other one wanted  white,  so they went for grey. 

Since it is communal land presumably we are allowed to take our picnic.rug or chair and enjoy the sunshine there?

Well that is enough questions for now so I will stop. I have put this in the main email group because I think it is of more importance than just chat. I can't remember having that patch of land discussed in meetings or seen anything about it in the notes but it seems to me -as the one-off mower - that it's time it should be.