Hi All

a quick few notes on the first site meeting in two month. Everyone is in a good spirit and work is progressing well. 

As you can see from Maria’s photos, they poured the concrete for the distribution board this morning. The supply cable from the road is already poking out in the middle of it. 

Site works have progressed a lot, S&W is taking the opportunity to do it now, as the weather is very settled.

The last windows for A6 will be installed next week!

The scaffold for the first 3 units (C1 to C3) and end wall is coming down on Monday.

The painters will paint the inside of D1 on Monday!!!!

At the contractors meeting, Wrens asked about when and who would do the final paint jobs in the units. They expressed interest to get those contracts. I have asked them to give us quotes for each unit types for both the woodwork (doors and architraves) and the walls. We may be able to give them individually the job and they may be able to do it now?, subject to S&W approval. If we instruct them now we may have to go through a private variation process.

so much for today Rainer

Please call me if you need an urgent reply.

Rainer Beneke
+64 21 144 7700
