Hi All
At the last meeting, Juan suggested the Cohousing Agreement should be checked for any issues with respect to having Rosemary & Maurice as Members of the Toiora High St CoHousing group, as they are neither Owners, Residents or Tenants of 24 Alva

I have done this, and below is a list of two items that could be changed in the next version - I don't think we need to update the current Agreement v4.5 immediately, but the group can decide if they wish to do so.

Please also take note of this line in Page 2 " The Group is distinct from the Body Corporate"

Proposed changes or additions in Red
Membership of Toiora Cohousing Group

Page 3

Membership ceases when a unit is sold, or, for tenants, on the day their tenancy ends.  For invited members & associate members, membership will cease by group decision.

