3pm-5pm this Saturday (yep, tomorrow!) we have another workshop.  This time we'll be getting down to the nitty gritty of our body corp rules.  
Format similar to the last one.  Afternoon tea to start, followed by some small group and some whole group discussion about a selection of the topics from the Body Corp that could do with some more work.

Those who are free for the evening are highly likely to form a group to head out to a local establishment for a meal at the conclusion of the workshop.  We can organise that over afternoon tea.

I'm bringing some milk (it's become kind of a tradition that I leave it behind in the Sustainability Centre fridge) and tea, but I'm counting on one or more of our coffee drinkers to ensure we have ability to keep everyone happy.  Liz has already volunteered a cake, but I'm sure any other contributions for afternoon tea will be well received.

See you soon