This is a fun evening - and there may be cake at the end of it. Claire is brilliant as Julie Childs.

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From: Knox Church Office <>
Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:53 AM
Subject: Just Desserts function at Knox Church
To: Knox Church Office <>

Put this in your diary and tell your friends to come along too!


Friday 22 November at 7.30pm in the church:  ‘JUST DESSERTS’: a musical entertainment with Claire Barton – including a performance of Lee Hoiby’s one-woman opera ‘Bon Appetit!


Claire plays TV cook Julia Childs in this witty musical adaptation of Julia’s cookery shows – and makes a chocolate cake live while singing.  Preceded by a selection of light classic songs, all accompanied by David Burchell at the piano. 


Admission by programme $15, in aid of Knox Church.