On Wed, 2019-05-01 at 23:59 +1200, Jan Burch wrote:

Agenda for UCOL Meeting Thursday 2 May 2019.

 7.30pm at Centre for Sustainability, seminar room, 563 Castle Street.

Chair: Juan                Notes: Jan

Thank you Jan,

Unfortunately Geoff and I are unable to be present tonight again. Our apologies. We do hope the discussion about Body Corp Rules is fruitful and we will be happy to support any decision you come to.


Anne & Geoff King.


Round of appreciations

PCG report/updates 


BCG report/updates


Update on Lawyers Rainer/Donald/Susan/Alex


Update on Arch & Fence Funding requests Donald


Repayment of Nancy’s Loan: Sandy


Anne's home induction workshop report back Jan


Ann Zabaldo visit Jan


Maori name inquiry: Susan

Mid-level flooring update: Tim


Time for next newsletter: Anne


How far through BodyCorp Rules?: Min


Weekly meetings to work on BodyCorp (or community): Rainer

Chair/Notetaker for next meeting


Movement of “The Book”. Do we need another copy?: Claire



To Do List:
- Unit numbering system: Tim

-  Investigation of aerial/satellite dish options:  Pauline


Open Forum:

Ucol-shareholders mailing list