I thought we agreed on waiting for the final numbers of our contingency before committing further spending.
We haven't received the final Claim from SW... Hopefully, we'll get that soon.
Once we have that, Nicola can calculate our final contingency and assess our situation. 


Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited

On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 10:09 AM Alex King via Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz> wrote:

I'm not sure it's too early to offer a pledge.  We can discuss it (briefly by the looks of the agenda) at tonight's meeting.

The kitchen group recommended spending $20,000 (and up to $35,000) on the kitchen.  It's still a bit of an estimate rather than an exact figure.  We want to know if the whole group agrees, and also we want to get a feeling whether the group is more comfortable closer to the $20,000 (more second hand things) end or the $35,000 (brand new) end.

We won't have exact numbers to discuss tonight.  Many of us want to get started on the kitchen straight away, using loans from community members.

In another month, we should perhaps be able to work out:

  • more exact costings
  • how much we can expect to be contributed from left over UCOL money.  We are still waiting on final bills from contractors by the end of the month hopefully before our accountant can work this out.
  • some possible mechanisms to pay back loans and some figures of how much that might add to our costs, e.g.
    • Donations/gifts from group members
    • We may agree to add a development levy on our body corporate fees
    • We may agree to add a surcharge on meal costs
    • Fundraising - selling jam etc.
    • Are we likely to get any 5% capital gain contributions from sale of units?
    • External grants

But we waned to start working on the kitchen before these things are fully fleshed out, if people are willing to contribute gifts and loans in the meantime.


On 24/06/21 9:42 am, Roz Wilson wrote:

Hi, last night we made a pledge towards kitchen costs. Have now been told the request was made earlier than intended and the maths have yet to be worked out.

We don’t want to leave the pledge out there in the circumstances so are withdrawing our offer.

Do the maths, work out the options and we will look at our offer again. Regds roz and michael

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