Hi Everyone, 

The equipment for the Energy Management monitoring research program is almost ready to be installed. 
I had many people of the group expressing interest in being part of it.
So I can almost assume that everybody wants to be part of this research project. 
Can I ask: If somebody DOES NOT want their house monitored please reply to this email.  

Michael Jack from the University will need to access the houses to install the equipment which includes two monitors to be installed in the walls. One in the lounge and one bedroom. They will be installed with a double sided tape to avoid holes in the walls.
The idea is that they will remain there for 2 years. He will also install an energy monitoring device in the the meter box.

After 3 months from the date they are installed, you will be able to download an app and view the data which includes temperature, humidity, CO2, lighting, sound, etc. 
Here is a link to the equipment to be installed. 

There will also be a small survey which is still being discussed. 

We still need to coordinate a time, he was suggesting a couple of days next week after 5pm.

Kind Regards, 

Maria Callau

SUR Architecture Limited