Just a few thoughts about work groups . . .


I’ve seen a few emails where people are suggesting starting – or maybe have started – sub-groups.

Gay’s earlier email suggested there were up to 5 gardening sub-groups!

And I have heard of a group concentrating specifically on the Lounge Area in the Commonhouse.


In my view, subgroups that branch out have the potential to get messy as they could well take action at odds with other subgroups.

It’s OK for people to have specific areas of interest and/or skill, but it all seems to be issue-driven currently.


I suggest that everyone take a look at the Work Groups that are already identified in our Cohousing Agreement, and start with that as an initial structure.

Each ‘base’ Work Group can then give approval for a smaller group to act within a certain scope.


Otherwise it’s a bit like cherry-picking the best bits of a Work Group’s responsibilities and no-one will want to do the hard or mundane tasks . . . perhaps.


Over time the Work Groups will naturally evolve, but they should still receive the oversight of The Group to ensure that everyone remains happy, and not surprised by developments.


BTW, the edited Agreement is about a day away.


