Hi team – especially Warren, Min, and Jan- thank you each for your thoughtful contributions. Another example of the many skills that are held within this group, and how useful are different experiences and approaches can be in designing a positive outcome.


Thanks to Min and Warren for helping untangle the body corporate process; I look forward to discussing this further later in the week, by which time I will have re-red your suggestions in more depth.


Thanks again to Jan for her "regularly irregular" newsletters, especially in launching our new name ( Toiora high Street cohousing) to interested parties, and documenting our latest- – but not last- brick  moving party!!


It's great working with you all.


Best wishes meantime




Marianne Quinn


Level 3, 115 Stuart Street, Dunedin

P.O. Box 20, Dunedin 9054

ph +6434773115 or 0211612050