Hi all

I’ve finished with the co-housing book that’s going around. Sorry I forgot to bring it tonight to the dinner. My brain is mush these days and life seems a constant bumbling along muddling everything.

I’m leaving early tomorrow – oops, make that today! – for about ten days. So that the book can keep circulating, could somebody collect it from my place? I’ve packaged it up carefully; don’t want to leave it in the letter box which is small and frequently over-zealously cleared by the landlord’s son. So come up the steps, turn left and see the magnificent door with stained glass windows. On the right on the steps are some pink flowers and lettuces in a square pot. The book is in a silver packet, tucked in behind them. It’s under the porch so out of the rain.

The address is 11 London Street. Whoever gets there first please let everyone else know! There is no parking on our side of the street, but you might find something on the left as you go uphill (the same side as The Bog pub). Or come at night.


See you all in a couple of weeks.
