Tena koutou

Agenda for tomorrow night's UCOL meeting is below. This is a very full agenda and we will want to be disciplined and focussed to ensure that we get through it.

I will endeavour to ensure that there are paper copies available of each document.


UCOL Agenda 24.06.21 - 7.30pm Toiora Common Room

Chair: Donald

Notetaker: Frances

Apologies: Anna, Anthony,


  1. Appreciations

  2. UCOL AGM (documents previously circulated) - Alex 

  3. Personal statement - Ann

  4. Decision making proposal from Conciliation Team - Sander (attached)

  5. Post PCG, appoint Juan and Anthony as project managers for finishing projects - Alex

  6. Projects update - Juan

  7. Admin group report - Alex

  8. Report from Signs Group - Gay (attached)

  9. Landscaping/Gardening group funding request - Donald (attached) 

  10.  KItchen Group - finishing the kitchen and gifts/loans to help with this - Jeffrey 

  11. Proposed monthly short after dinner concert following 6pm weekend meal - Jeffrey 

  12. Rainer’s sauna and trailer - Rainer 

  13. Spare set of keys retained for BC access to units when necessary - Roz

  14. Updating website including tab for units for sale/rent as previously agreed - Roz

  15. Learning about the do’s and don'ts of caring for our homes/buildings - Claire

  16. Official opening event and separate neighbours Saturday afternoon tea - Ann

  17. An outreach group has been set up with members Gay, Kristin, Jess, Rosemarie, Claire, Anne and Anthony and sees as its priorities: 

  • The regular scheduling of induction days with a view to ensuring occupants can be found without delay for units being let or sold.

  • Setting dates sometime in August or September for an official opening and a neighbourhood open day.

  • Meantime, the ODT and Kiwibank have been given names of cohousers (Juan and Maria for an ODT news story and Tim for an ODT feature; Alex for Kiwibank) who are happy to speak to reporters about our having moved in. Watch this space for media coverage

  1. Open Forum

Next meeting date, chair and notetaker  

Note - there is a Toiora shared meal at 6pm tomorrow.