Dear UCOL Shareholders

The UCOL Directors met this evening and included discussion about who should legally represent us going forward.

We have asked for clarification from the BCG and Nicola (accountant) regarding what we have spent to date on legal and unit titling expenses and therefore how much we have remaining in the budget.

We propose to ask for quote from McMillan and Co; Helen Davidson (moved to Anja Klinkert Lawyer); and one other firm (suggestions welcome of a firm with unit titling experience) for the remaining legal work. We will send out this request by email initially and then may have to meet to discuss with the various firms with the proposed two directors plus two others from BCG.

We expect this will involve:

We plan to send out this email to McMillan & Co and Helen Davidson (and one other) so that we have some information to present to the UCOL meeting on 11th April.

Please think of suggestions of another lawyer with reasons to discuss at this week’s meeting on Thursday evening. 

Kind regards,
