Hi, how will things work for people who don’t want to use gather? Thanks roz
From: Ucol-shareholders <ucol-shareholders-bounces@list.king.net.nz> On Behalf Of Sander Zwanenburg
Sent: Thursday, 27 May 2021 12:06 pm
To: 'UCOL shareholders' <ucol-shareholders@list.king.net.nz>
Subject: [Ucol-shareholders] report on Gather
Hi all
I won’t be there tonight but below is what I can report on Gather.
An update on Gather:
- Gather has started taking reservations for the guest rooms.
- The common house cleaning schedule has been put into Gather so cleaners should get a reminder before their shift.
- Alex will try use Gather for the meals he will be organising.
- The allocation of roles in Gather is still somewhat random, and a reflection of us testing it. If you’d like a different role you can feel free to change this yourself or let me or any “Admin” person know.
- We have started testing email lists. Email lists can be really handy since people don’t need to remember who’s currently in the group when they write to it. Also, you can set it so that an archive of the group’s communication is automatically kept. There are various other settings for these lists to make them suit our needs. Those with “Admin” roles can create more email lists for groups. So far, four have been created:
- Gather now has a list of online documents and other information, under “Wiki”.
- The old page on our website with our documents will no longer be updated.
- If new documents or links are to be listed, technically this can be done by anyone with an “Admin” or “Wikiist” role. If you are somewhat tech-savvy, it is straightforward; I am also happy to help show how this is done, or else just put it up for you.
- Once we have a projection screen up, we can easily show things in Gather during meetings.
- For log in, there are two options, through Google or an ordinary email+password combination, with the email that has been sent the link earlier.
- If you have created a password but have forgotten it, you can reset it in the system.
- If you’ve never logged in and would like to do so, let me or Min know and we can send you a new link. These links expire after 7 days.