Hello all
I wanted to publicly answer Roz's questions, and am aware this is going out a bit late for inclusion in meeting tonight
My responses in RED

On 1/04/2021 3:09 pm, Roz Wilson wrote:

Hi min, we won’t be there tonight but these are some thoughts I sent to directors. Not heard back from any of them yet and wasn’t sure if you were going to be doing it. regds roz


From: Roz Wilson <michael.rosemary@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, 31 March 2021 8:14 pm
To: Anne Thomson <e.anne.thomson@gmail.com>; Catherine Spencer <cmspencer.nz@zoho.com>; alex king (alex@king.net.nz) <alex@king.net.nz>; Susan Jack <susanjjack@gmail.com>
Subject: associate membership


Hi, not sure if we will make it tomorrow night. we have had some thoughts about this over the years so would like to list them. not sure what this committee is rosemarie refers to or if it even exists so am hoping if it is a committee decision one of you will be on it.

Our thoughts have been:

Min:  I propose Rosemary & Maurice join as full Toiora members, with all the rights and obligations of other full members as practicable.  They cease to be members when they leave their property for good.  And obviously there will be no automatic transfer of ownership to the next owner of their property.
Min: Yes, I have done our own maths, and will present it tonight.  Will provide a copy to be attached to the minutes later.
Min: Annual fee is per household, like it is for the rest of the (non-tenant) members.

Min: Rosemary would have the same rights and obligations as other full members and tenant members. Including booking the common house if members can do that.
Min: The Cohousing component of our unit price does not apply to Rosemary, since she does not own a unit.  However, Rainer may also be wrong.  I know people who would pay LESS for the restrictions co-housing puts on our units - and our difficulty in getting mortgages implies the banks agree.  Note: Properties on the Waiheke Island Eco Village that Lisa Barlev came from sell at about 20% less compared to the rest of Auckland.  Because the banks won't give mortgages on them.
Min: I recommend full membership for Rosemary and Maurice, so not thinking about what Associate Memberships will look like yet.

Some of you know we have raised this once or twice before and from the responses we felt it was in the too hard basket. No wonder!!! Regds roz and michael
